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Bug Soother Products
I am an umpire and I work tournaments around SE Iowa. I have people from surrounding states constantly asking about the Bug Soother that I use religiously behind the plate. People are most impressed with the smell and effectiveness of the product. I have seen 100 ' s of people from out of state stock up on bottles of this product, wanting to take it back home with them. I love Bug Soother and can't imagine being behind the plate without it. No more stinky absorbing Jr for me.
Eric H.I fell in love with this product the first time I used it! Not only does it work absolutely phenomenally, it smells great! Plus, I can put it on my kids with no chemical worries at all. The dogs don't seem to mind it, either. I need to order a LOT more, though. The skeeters are pretty thick out here, but we are doing great this year! I love this stuff!
Katy C.If you want to get rid of those annoying little bugs in the summer and not worry about all the chemicals this is the product to use. It has a pleasant smell and works great. My special needs daughter sometimes has ouchie bug bite reactions and I use this product for her even with her delicate skin. It hasn't caused any irritation. I spray it on her arms and legs and for her face I spray some on a Kleenex and dab it on. I keep a bottle in her backpack, in the sports bag, one in the garage and another on the way out the front door!
Jenny U.This is the best non-toxic bug repellent for me, grandchildren and my dogs. I've gotten several bottles to give away because it' so's effective! Had someone ask me what perfume I was wearing once, it smells so good.
Linda K.We live on an acreage with two ponds and constantly are fighting the gnats and mosquitoes while fishing or doing yard work. We love, love, love this product, not only does it work, but has a great refreshing citrus scent which is nice when sweating out in the garden!
Jenni Y.I swear by it... This is the most amazing product- we go out fishing a lot and spend a good deal of time in the yard- gnats are the one thing that seem to have no resistance to anything- until this. Love it- on the second bottle this summer already - I swear by it and tell everyone I know to get it.
StacyMy work requires me to be outside much of the time in the spring and summer months. I have always used various "bug sprays and lotions" to protect myself from insects. I hated the smell, found that many of the products irritated my skin and left me wondering if they were dangerous to my health. Then I tried Bug Soother. It has a pleasant aroma and really works. I would not go any place in the summer without it.
Michael P.LOVE your product!! Just wanted you to know that as a mother of two children with asthma and skin sensitivities I am in LOVE with your Bug Soother! It smells wonderful! My 4 year old daughter was very concerned that she should take a bath and wash it off before bed, and I was very relieved to know that the product would be fine on her skin overnight because of the lack of chemicals! Thanks so much for taking the worry out of me!
LynDeeWe have been carrying the bug soother in our store for nearly 3 years and it literally just flies off the shelf from April to Oct. Customers just love it because it WORKS. They use it at ball games, hunting and fishing, horseback riding(even use it on the horses), golfing, etc. etc. They like the fragrance and the fact that it is effective for hours. After a customer tries it once, they usually come back and get several more to have in their car or boat or RV. Many come back to get more because they have given theirs to someone else who also loved it.
Char A.Letter Carrier Loves "Bug Juice". Thanks, Simply Soothing, for "Bug Soother." Without it, I would not be capable of delivering my route effectively. I have a walking city route, and my hands are full of parcels, magazines and letters, not to mention pepper spray when aggressive dogs come out of nowhere. My hands are literally full, with no way to swat gnats out of my face. "Bug Soother" to the rescue!! Your product rocks, and allows me to finish my 9.5 mile route daily. Thank-you from the bottom of my postal service heart! xoxoxo
Toi M.Safe for my Dogs. I had seen this product in a store but didn't know anything about it. A neighbor recommended getting it so I picked up a bottle. It was absolutely awesome - not a single gnat bothered me. After reading the ingredients I gave my small dog a spritz on his back before our walk to see if it would help him and it did - no more gnats for him either. After that I stocked up and bought trial sizes to share with my friends. This is the most fantastic outdoor bug spray and I have tried almost all of them. Thank you for a terrific product.
Tanya D.This product is fantastic. Hands down. I love that IT WORKS. I love that it's made locally. I love that I can use it on my kids. I love that it smells delicious. I buy it every time I can because we're either using it up, or sharing it with friends. Thank you for an amazing product!
Bath & Body Products
I first became hooked on Simply Soothing Shea Creme. The skin on my arms is very thin, but the cream keeps my skin healthy. My second favorite item is the lip soother. It goes on like silk, no dragging it across to cover my lips.
Carrie LarsenMy dear friend sent me your products with the Sultry Angel scent! I am in love! The next day I was on your website ordering quite a few items.
Susan MajorHave the hand & body lotion in Lilacs, Lilly's and more. All the scents are wonderful.
Air Fresheners
I love the melts. They last longer then the Scentsy ones and are a lot cheaper. Also, Chrissy was a big help while shopping at the store.
Rose LaingThe sun catchers are awesome in the window...I just hung one up and can smell it all through the house.
Linda S.I've been using these wax melts for a few years and I keep ordering more. The scents are great and they last a long time. Price is great too!